How to wear a stretch suit correctly?
Burn and burn rehabilitation:
Pressure gowns and pressure pads can produce a continuous and moderate pressure on scars, causing local hypoxia, reducing local blood supply, causing relative ischemia in the compressed area, promoting collagen fibers not to grow excessively, and paralleling with flat stripes Rows, thereby delaying scar hyperplasia, promote scar softening, flattening, pale.
How about wearing a stretch suit? Is it okay to put on the body like the clothes in life?
The wearing of stretch clothes is different from the clothes in ordinary life. When wearing stretch clothes, you should pay attention to the following points first.
1. All scars must be covered by a pressure garment, and should not be exposed during activities. The length of the pressure garment should exceed the scar edge by at least 5 cm.
2. The tip must be worn first, because the pressure must be given by the tip first, otherwise there will be edema. The lower body must wear foot sleeves and then trousers, and the upper body wears gloves, then sleeves, and finally tops.
3. If you put on the lotion before wearing the pressure suit, you can only wear it when the lotion has absorbed the skin surface has been dried; if there are sporadic wounds, you must cover the wound with gauze before you can wear it.
4. Arms and feet can wear a layer of stockings before wearing pressure clothes, the purpose is to reduce friction. After wearing stockings, a thin plastic bag can be used first to reduce friction, so that the pressure garment can be easily pulled on, and the patient will not feel rubbing pain.
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