The calculation method of burn and scald area and the classification of burn depth
Regarding the “calculation method of burn and scald area and classification of burn depth”, Zilimei Medical Elastic Sleeve has collected and sorted out the following content, hope to help you.
The calculation method of burn area and classification of burn depth
(1) Calculation of burn and scald area
1. Palm method When the injured person’s five fingers are brought together, the area of one palm occupies 1% of the body surface area. This method is often used for the calculation of small area or scattered burns.
2. The Chinese Nine Dividing Method divides the whole body surface area into 11 9 equal parts. The adult head, face, and neck are 9%; the upper limbs are 2×9%; the front and back of the trunk including the vulva is 3×9%; the lower limbs including the buttocks are 5×9%+1%=46%.
3. Calculating method of burn and scald area in children The percentage of the body surface area of the torso and upper limbs of children is similar to that of adults. The characteristic is that the head is large and the lower limbs are small. With age, the proportion is also different. Calculated as follows:
Head, neck and face: 9+(12-age)=?%
Both lower limbs: 46-(12-age)=?%
(2) Calculation of the depth of burns and scalds
The depth of burns and scalds is generally divided into three-degree four-point method, namely I degree, II degree (also divided into shallow II degree, deep II degree) and III degree burn.
Calculation of the depth of burn and scald