What points should be paid attention to after burn scar repair
For scar contractures in functional parts caused by burns and scalds, such as hand scars, eye scars, and jaw and neck scars, treat as soon as possible after the scars are stabilized, otherwise it may cause abnormal joint and bone development and shortening of blood vessels and nerves, leading to disability .
After the burn and scald scar repair treatment, pay attention to the following situations, so as not to achieve the desired effect of the scar repair.
1. Pay attention to sun protection.
It takes a long time to recover from burn scars, so after repairing, you should learn to protect yourself from sun protection when you go out to reduce the damage of the sun’s ultraviolet rays to your skin. Be sure to use a sun umbrella to reduce this irritating injury.
2. Pay attention to skin cleanliness and hygiene.
When the burn wound is just healed, there are still a small amount of secretions and drug scabs, bacteria are easy to multiply quickly, and the epidermis is thin and tender, the structure and function are not perfect, and infection and ulceration are prone to occur.
During this period, a neutral detergent can be used for cleaning, and then professional treatment can be carried out after cleaning.
3. Blisters should be drained in time to avoid infection and ulcer formation.
New-born epidermis is prone to loosen due to various stimuli and form blisters. If the blisters are not treated promptly and properly, infections and ulcers often occur.
After the blisters appear, the skin can be disinfected with complexed iodine, and the blisters can be cut open with sterile scissors to induce fluid accumulation. Generally, anti-scar treatment should be implemented after the blister subsides and the ulcer has healed.
4. Physical compression therapy.
The method of preventing and treating scar hyperplasia by continuously compressing the scar site with elastic fabric is called pressure therapy. Early continuous use of pressure therapy can reduce scar formation and promote scar maturity.
Pressure therapy has the advantages of safety, simplicity, low cost, and affirmative effect. It is suitable for patients who are uncomfortable (willing) surgery. It is currently listed as one of the most common and effective methods to prevent and treat hypertrophic scars.
Commonly used pressure therapy includes elastic bandage compression method, self-adhesive bandage compression method, sponge compression fixation pad, elastic garment (cover) compression, silicone film application compression and other methods.
5. Early prevention and perseverance.
The formation process of burn scars can be roughly divided into a proliferative period, a stable period, and a regression period. The proliferative period lasts from 3 months to 2 years, and most of them are around half a year.
But due to many reasons, such as ulcers, pain, impatient or improper methods, etc., some patients often cannot adhere to scar rehabilitation treatment, causing scar hyperplasia and contracture.